Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Frustration with a capital F

OK, so it has been awhile... Chalk that up to the beginning of school starting.  It's true what they say, "There's no tired like the 'first week of school teacher' tired."
That being said, I have still been sticking to my plan, and although I did a weigh-in on the 3rd Wednesday of Aug., I didn't have time to blog.  Yeah, that's how it is for me for 10 months out of the year-- if it isn't school related, I probably don't have time for it.  Good thing I REALLY love what I do! :)

SO, let's cut right to the chase.  I really don't want to talk about it much, so here it is: 286.  I just don't get it.  If I had been eating whatever I want, indulging in ice cream and all of my faves, then I would expect this.  But I'm not!  I'm eating lots of protein, few carbs and drinking water and yet I STILL gained a ton of weight.  At this point I'm almost back to where I was at the start of this thing on June 30.  No, it's not muscle that I've gained b/c I don't work out.  Gross!  Yeah, yeah... I should incorporate exercise into my daily routine.  Did ya read paragraph 1??  LOL

I have a regular appointment with my weight loss doctor on Saturday.  It is a 6 week check up and to be where I am today after 6 weeks since my last visit-- not good.  I'm sure we'll talk about it and he might have some suggestions...

This is so beyond frustrating.  I am so tired of this struggle.  Y'all, it has been going on since the 3rd grade when my mom first took me to Weight Watchers with her.  THIRD GRADE.

OK.  So that's where I am today.  We'll see how this unfolds and I will keep you posted!

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