Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Weigh- in Wednesday: Aug. 6, 2014

We'll just keep this one short and sweet: today's weight is 278.4.
The scale didn't move much in a week, but it did move, and it moved in the right direction.  (This is why I know that I can't do weekly weigh-ins.  The movement on the scale is something to celebrate, but my brain can't wrap itself around the fact that it isn't a "big" number.  Sometimes I need to give my brain a beating!)

So in TWO weeks when the next weigh-in comes around, the numbers should look a little different, I hope.  I certainly have not gone off of my program at all.  Now, I was in bed sick for 2 days last week which means I didn't feel like eating, but that also means I didn't cheat because I didn't feel like eating!  But, you have to eat to lose weight.  It's one of those conundrums of life I just don't get but I accept!  LOL

Anyway, I found this visual and lest you think I'm complaining about losing a pound, I am not:

Something some of you know but some of you may not is that I also struggle with depression.  I think I've probably struggled with it most of my life, but it really came to a head after my mother passed away and finally, a very kind doctor said that he could give me something to take for that and that it was "OK", that I'm not the only one that has to take a medicine to help with my mood.  (OK, this is a story for another time... I do have a point here.)  So, sometimes, when I have weeks or times along my health journey (I refuse to call this a 'diet'.  'Diets' end.  This will not end for me.  I have to eat like this for the rest of my life.)  when I am not seeing results like I'd like to be seeing, I tend to get a little down in the dumps.  I do tend to turn more and more to my Young Living Essential Oils now to help me out, but I also look for motivation online.  I'll leave y'all with this one today because it is one that keeps coming back to me, and I think it keeps coming back to me for a reason!  

Thanks for reading!
I've only been on my "renewed" journey for 5.5 weeks now. 

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